
Plotly.NET logo

Plotly.NET is a fully featured charting library for .NET programming languages that provides functions for generating and rendering plotly.js charts in .NET programming languages 📈🚀.

Over the cource of the last years, we established Plotly.NET as the de-facto visualization library for the F# data science stack (see also: fslab). It is also used by the ML.NET team in their sample notebooks.

I am the core maintainer of this library and involved in all stages of the project:

  • API design
  • Programming in both F# and C#
  • Integration into .NET interactive notebooks

We also published a software paper on it to make it citeable in other scientific publications.

Kevin Schneider
Kevin Schneider
Doctoral student, Computational Systems Biology

My research interests include large-scale meta-analysis of biological datasets, as well as applications from network science and machine learning on the aforementioned.